April 14, 2022 CCFM Board Meeting- APPROVED

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Board members present: Randy George, Rose Thackeray, Krysta Zabriskie, John Snell, Karen Huard Board, Lila Humphries-LePage

Others present: Keri Ryan

Called to Order: 7:00 AM 

  • Minutes from last meeting  

    • Approved

    • Rose will connect with Keri to upload minutes in real time

  • News from Keri         

    • Blackbird Organics- goes by Littlewood Farm approved for all starts

    • Cedar Tree Pottery approved as sub

    • Finalizing music calendar

    • Trailer is going in Union Mutual parking lot will meet with maintenance guys to determine where

    • Repainting chalkboard sign

      • Where to put the gas heater? Ready to store it for summer

        • Lila offers to store it

    • Randy is going to bring over picnic tables and look at dismantling the music stage

    • John + Keri have begun making design for market history stickers

  • Follow-up on Keri’s proposal for stipend for market goods 

    • Randy- we have to create a mechanism for budgeting pay increases for managers salary in the future

    • John- we can use grant $$ now while we work on creating the mechanism

    • Randy- if vendor fee was restructured to be based on sales then there would theoretically be additional revenue to accommodate pay increases to the manager

    • Janet- shouldn't assume that membership votes to do that

    • Lila- may not actually increase revenue may decrease it because of lower sales vendors

    • randy - we need to have executive session on this matter

      • Rose- lets have it before summer market starts

  • Review of meat vendor rules regarding raising animals on the farm 

    • Are our meat vendors aware of this rule?

    • Janet believes the genesis of this rule is to make sure that farms aren't buying in feeders from PA etc then slaughter and sell them as local just a couple months later

    • Remind vendors that we have this rule in place and that they need to follow it

    • Vendors selling meat are required to own, manage, and feed the animal for at least the last 75% of the animal’s life (except for poultry and laying hens, which must be raised for their entire life by the vendor)

  • Support for BIPOC vendors

    • Brought up by the fee restructuring committee

    • Could be subsidized by a grant- nofa is working on funding for this

    • Janet- bringing new members in + keeping the market vital as well as encouraging new customers that had not attended before

    • Currently no decision to be made- fee committee may submit a proposal. 

  • Benches and umbrella purchases

    • John- North Branch Nature Center will make 5 benches and we will pay for lumber and make a donation to the center

      • If we feel like we need more Rose offers to build a few with donated lumber

      • We will want to tarp benches/picnic tables and chain them 

  • Trailer or shipping container?

    • Ben Z estimated will cost $3000 to fix

    • Trailer is 5ftx10ft

    • Luckys Trailer Keri will contact; lead time on fixing? Trade in? Used trailer?

    • Karen- we could rent a storage unit while it gets repaired

    • Krysta- do we want to get a trailer big enough to fit picnic tables/benches so that they last longer

    • Rose- new 7x16 enclosed trailer less than $7k allows for picnic tables to fit inside; need to remember that we can sell our current trailer and make money on it

    • Krysta- should we get insurance on a new trailer

  • Review of new applications and requests

    • Done above

  • Sponsor outreach  

    • Skipped for time


April 28, 2022 CCFM Board Meeting- APPROVED


April 12, 2022 CCFM Marketing Meeting