May 12, 2022 CCFM Board Meeting- APPROVED
Board members present: Randy George, Rose Thackeray, Krysta Zabriskie, John Snell, Karen Huard Board, Lila Humphries-LePage
Others present: Keri Ryan
Called to Order: 7:00 AM
Minutes from last meeting
News from Keri
Great first market- 1806 people counted
benches/tables big hit everyone seemed very happy to be there
Autumn rayne requested to sell eggs (already selling quail wants also chix)
Bus route stopping at market now
Donna thunder canceled for this weekend
Keri will not be at market; COVID
Will send out jobs/layout (give board member info for ppl to reference)
If there is a car in lot call security/police they will move it
Update market hours on google
Fee Committee meeting today at 9am
Karen wondering if they have a different goal than the board has in mind
Lila can we ask them a report for what they're working on?
End of may deadline for next big grant opportunity
Repair rather than replace the trailer?
Went through it after market and a lot of it is not been used in years
Need to sort- use, trash, donate
Registration is not current
Need to empty it before taking it to repair
Lila offers to store consolidated stuff into box truck
Lila will start taking music system since roof is leaking in trailer
Should we spend grant money on a marketing consultant?
Work with Sara will lead us to determine strategies to meet our goals and can inform us on decision to spend money on marketing
Follow up with Keri
Do we need to recruit vendors to replace ones we’ve lost?
Blackbird Organics/Littlewood not coming until May 28th now
Anderbell will pick up some of Old Time Flowers dates/ Hannah will be notified that she can bring flowers on others not taken
Mad River Botanicals- already have plenty of herbalists
Noodles; already have plenty of prepared foods
Need to look at rules around major application changes at annual meeting
Special events schedule and plans to carry out.
Spotty attendance; lacking in specifics
Check meeting minutes
Also want a report on schedule/logistics
Rose- can we give each group 10 mins at next board meeting to give updates
Randy will request minutes from Hannah/invite to next meeting
First event Cheese Day June 4
Keri requested funding from Montpelier Alive (~$1800) for Corn Roast
Planned Parenthood rally planned for Saturday 11 am in front of state house
Lila requests to bring back winter market indoor location to next agenda