March 31, 2022 CCFM Board Meeting- APPROVED
Board members present: Randy George, Rose Thackeray, Krysta Zabriskie, John Snell, Karen Huard Board, Lila Humphries-LePage
Others present: Keri Ryan
Called to Order: 7:00 AM
Minutes from last meeting
News from Keri
Board training in the works with Andy Robinson 1 or 2 sessions, meeting with marketing help from Intervale, Youth Vendor Day, $15,500 grant came through not in the bank yet, has applied for another AARP grant, Events committee meets tomorrow at 7:30 am,
Keri’s proposal for stipend for market goods
Could come from grant money she got
How do we logistically pull this off
we will figure out how to best do this tax wise
Rose- we need to budget in for raises/bonuses because we cannot have the same pay rate for our manager in perpetuity
Easter egg hunt event?
Karen- decorate rocks and hide them around
John- we have a week
Does Not sync with calendar market is 13th easter is 17th
Table for next year
Seniority signage for vendors and customers?
John- small sign laminated “vendor since 1975” etc. also customers has been shopping since 1980
A week to acknowledge customers/vendors to show how long everyone has been there
Maybe first week of summer market good time to be there
Lila- buttons for the vendors
Can send email asking vendors how long they have been there
Put something in the bridge about history of market
Coming out the 23rd
Local ingredients signage
Market makes a blanket statement sign for all prepared food vendors to utilize and add their ingredients
Going to be required
Rose- This continues to be a problem so the market needs to provide a sign that is required or certain vendors will continue to evade
Keri- will do a better job policing than she has in the past
Karen- clarify rules on local ingredient expectations- what is local?
Krysta- could we put those expectations on the back of the sign for vendors to review
Benches and umbrella purchases
Tables have been shipped to Red Hen need to assemble and bring to market site
Rose- offers lumber we have on site to build at least 2 benches from Johns design suggestion
Do we need weights for benches/umbrellas
Trailer or shipping container?
Lots are both full during the week not a lot of room to place a shipping container
Keri asked BGS about shipping container and they didn’t respond
Lila- should we get permanent storage when we dont have a permanent site
State said a trailer could take one parking spot for the summer
In our lot we don't have space to give up, maybe in the upper lot/corner where dumpster is behind that
Cant put it on the grass anymore
Krysta will measure current trailer
Karen- we should get a quote to fix ours
Keri- if were gonna get it fixed we need to take it to somewhere
Keri- we need to schedule bringing it back to the lot to clean/get ready for summer market
Review rules about promoting and dispersing CSA items at market.
Market approved items are not the problem
Problem is CSA’s that include things that aren't approved by market
Accounting issues- are CSA sales apart of sales slips each week
Lila do we add a category of CSA to the sales slips
Rose- CSA vendors have planned schedules for items/week we could ask them to report at the start of market season and update as changes are made
Vendors are not promoting CSA at market currently but potential is there
Do we allow signage asking people to sign up
John had to delete some posts that were promoting CSAs from market vendors
Karen- how does this impact vendor fee restructuring
Rose- being a vendor allows convenience for pick up/sales that would not necessarily be afforded if not available and should be included in overall sales reporting
Requested additional products from applicants (sheep’s milk, flower starts, others?)
3 yes to 1 no 1 abstention final vote yes to allow Cate Hill Sheeps Milk
Flower starts from Blackbird
Randy will call Anne
Krysta- bigger question for going through applications- does nit-picking each farms application help the market as a whole?
Sponsor outreach 5 min.
Skipped over for time