March 17, 2022 CCFM Board Meeting- APPROVED
Board members present: Randy George, Rose Thackeray, Krysta Zabriskie, John Snell, Karen Huard Board, Lila Humphries-LePage
Others present: Keri Ryan, Stan
Called to Order: 7:00 AM
Stan- wanted to express his want to sell cows milk soap
He doesn't feel like he was called and given explanation
Karen- the boards ability to deny a previously approved item is a gray area that needs clarification; we denied it because you have not brought it in the past and it is hard for the board to manage items that have not been sold but have been requested in years previous
Rose- will you make it yourself? Stan- yes
Rose- will you bring it this year? Stan- no
Stan- wants to keep this as a hypothetical item for the future possibility
Rose- The board has been dealing with other hypothetical future items but applications need to be relevant per the season and per the year and he can reapply for it again when he is ready to sell it
Only language is in the application- asks vendors to apply for anything they haven't applied for in the past
We should have consulted stan first and others in like situations next time
Stan is approved to bring soap this year and we will revisit the rules for next years application process
News from Keri
We paid Mieko to teach Josh to upload minutes and that is being taken care of
Event committee- wants to know their budget for them to work from
Karen will send that information; Budget for events for the year is $1000.00
AARP grant for improving public spaces- Keri is applying for music budget/ benches, tent at the front for people to enjoy the market
Any other ideas?
Karen- picnic tables
Fold up plastic ones for $270
Randy- how much is the grant for?
Keri- hasn’t added up budget yet
Music is $125/market 26 markets $3250
Strategy 18, page 21
VTFMA conference going on
Peggy watson art- will have prints made in st albans
Anderbell- requesting us to reconsider lemonade request
Clarified that it is just rhubarb water
Yes they can
How to utilize the USDA grant funds
New trailer
New picnic tables
Also need new umbrellas this year; tables need a hole for umbrellas
Keri- there is going to be a second round of funding that she will apply for again
Rose- spend the $ first on the trailer then the rest on picnic tables/umbrellas
Karen- can we fix the trailer reasonably? Can we get the state to let us have a shed
Rose- it sounds like we need a bigger trailer
Keri- BGS will not let us put even a semi permanent shed
Lila- we don't have a multi year lease there makes us vulnerable if we do have to move it
Krysta- if we moved to an indoor market next winter would we need access to a trailer/stuff inside?
Randy- what are the dimensions of the current trailer?
Krysta will measure it today
Karen- what about a shipping container/storage unit
Keri- will ask about putting something on Union Mutual property
Karen- if we moved music towards BGS building would they let us use their electricity for music
Vegetable grower outreach in light of Pete’s Greens absence
Veg growers have been notified
George Gross requested 2 dates over the summer
Keri responded by sending application and asking him to fill it out
He hasn't done so
Should we reach out to smaller growers
Lila believes market could support 2 more smaller growers to make up for Pete's volume
Preparing for Keri’s review
Have received 33 responses so far
John is only one who has filled out board member response; all others need to do so
Each person make a separate copy so that we are not seeing each others comments
Keri has her own questions to fill out to reflect on the year
Randy will send us each our own questionnaire to fill out this afternoon
Review will occur March 24th
Randy will share the responses with Keri
Executive session at the next meeting for review
Rules revisions process
Skipped over for time
Definition of “recuse.”
Randy believes that it involves all discussion of recused topics
Karen believes they should be involved in discussion
John believes in city council you are non participatory in discussion but still involved in it
Karen need to be careful about excluding people and them knowing about that
Lila- she won't be voting on the issue but is fine being included in the conversation
Sponsor outreach
Skipped over for time
LePage Farm– are they two separate vendors?
Randy- concerned about consistency with decision making regards to situations like this one
Generalization looks at family members and selling their own products as apart of one stand
Dealing with seniority points- Cam + Lila get points from the last 3 years and Alan keeps the rest of his from previous years
That impacts placement
Karen- is layout ultimately up to managers decision and not solely based on points
Randy- we need to consult the rules
Lila doesn't care if he is next to them or not
All vote to request alan to apply as a separate vendor
John suggests waiving his application fee
All support
3/27/31 In person Meeting at Market- Karen, Rose, Keri, John, Lila, Krysta
I just wanted to recap our brief meeting yesterday after the market. Lila, Rose, John, Krysta, Keri and myself meet briefly yesterday about the music location and picnic tables.
I am pleased to say that we all agreed on a new location for music and picnic tables. The music this season will be along the Tax Dept building at the end of the non-profit row. Also we voted on and approved ordering 5 picnic tables from Uline.