Dec 2, 2021 CCFM Board Meeting- APPROVED
Board members present: Randy George, Rose Thackeray, Krysta Zabriskie, Karen Huard Board, Lila Humphries-LePage
Others present: Keri Ryan
Called to Order: 7:00 AM
Minutes from last meeting.
Approved- Keri will send out
*Stan Biasini joined us to express payment structure
Against 10% discount for 70 year old + vendors and wants to discuss cheaper seasonal vendor fee ($600 now used to be $550)
Updating Rules and Bylaws.
Waiting on minutes from annual meeting Josh before doing so
Lila offered to type them up and send them if Josh can just send her pictures
Updating applications and setting deadlines for them.
Keri highlighted areas for review for us to make any comments on them if necessary
Would like to get applications out beginning of January
We will finalize this next meeting after reviewing
Fee structure and market finances discussion (special January meeting or not?)
Karen suggests zoom meeting if wanting winter meeting
Rose suggests sending out doodle poll to understand best time for people to gather for a meeting
Randy brings up what do we want the market to focus on
Should the market make more money to invest more into it
Ben Zabriski joined conversation to suggest a marginal system- no vendor would ever pay more than 10% of their sales. Believes we should be setting more aggressive fees
Accessible, not egregious against smaller vendors
Offers to help make excel spread sheet to calculate dues per weekly sales
Equitable but not equal
Rose added logistically challenges of getting weekly sales report and basing due percentage week by week
Karen added keeping it simple for vendor and Keri/Karen
Base percentage off of prior year actuals and get a rebate/pay more if they did better or worse than the previous year
Krista brings up the discouraging nature of a fee schedule that makes more lucrative vendors pay more fees and could hinder new growth
Lila reminds that market typically attracts smaller growers
Randy asks what are other market rates
Karen reiterates we are looking for smaller vendors- incubator space- fine line/balance between smaller and bigger vendors
Rose suggests task force to create 3 options- stay the same, middle ground increase fee structure, aggressive increase and have membership vote on those options not open discussion
Randy brings up the need to send out summer applications
Keri says end of january is when applications are due and got notice by second week of february
Lila expresses that the timing to push this agenda through is tight
Randy agrees
Karen reminds we need two weeks warning for a meeting
Rose reiterates Fee Schedule Task Force to compile excel spread sheets and written reports for proposal to membership
Randy reiterates offering to membership a separate meeting for people interested to get together to figure out fee schedule options and get us ready for a larger meeting
Krista reiterates making it clear to membership that this is the opportunity for them to voice their thoughts and opinions
Karen brings up that it may be hard for general membership to understand the bottom line financially of market and Karen volunteers to be apart of further discussions
Randy offers to write something up to propose creating a group to discuss this further
Holiday market special events
John is contacting Caroler’s
Keri suggested lighting and putting up a christmas tree
Keri forwarded message from Police for barricade- rope it off with garlands?
They got grant funding for these and would like to set it up/take it down at each market
Unsure if it will be every market or just when there is coffee with cops unless we say otherwise
Anderbell acres would like to come with wreaths/trees for the Dec 18 market
Vote to allow them to come
Krista suggests using PA system to play festive music throughout the market
Keri will leave trailer keys in same spot as last time
Rose offers idea of Festive Dog Parade
Karen brings up trying again next year for reindeer and getting someone to sponser
Keri says AARP is willing to sponsor our customer appreciation tent- keri will start the conversation
Lila brings up maybe montpelier alive may want to co-promote it
Karen asks about the visitor center/commerce committee- do they have money?
Krista- craft idea? Something less expensive for this year
Randy asks how to announce this
Keris/Karens concern is not being inclusive
Karen suggests abbreviated raffle of vendor basket- vendors donate $5 products
Lila suggests selling raffle tickets at the EBT booth
Karen/Krista suggests having the basket being very visible- by greeter
Keri to send out email to membership
Lila suggests to just have it be a festive dog day and have them get their picture taken
Another volunteer job to make a playlist and set up PA system
Randy reminds us to generate volunteer jobs at next meeting
Krista asks again about moving the trailer
Karen reminds we need to know if its moveable/registered
Krista offers ben to look at trailer and uyjhg98f76d5=determine moving it
Lila reminds that an orange ag sign allows for 50 miles of trailer
Krista and Ben have offered to store it
Karen asks if roof is leaking/needs to be tarped
Lila asks if we should use money in the budget for a new trailer
Keep clicker, PA system, and banner out of the trailer before it is stored
How does PA system need to be stored? Does it just need to stay above freezing temps or just out of the weather
Progress report on conversations with State about fire.
Keri has filled out use request form for the state is waiting to hear back
Randy will forward email related to this discussion
Karen asks if we have resolved winter application issues
Is Broadfork coming with everything
Do we say that she can come with pickles, breads, jellies but not meat
Randy is in favor of that