Nov 18, 2021 CCFM Board Meeting – APPROVED

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Board members present: Randy George, Rose Thackeray, Krysta Zabriskie, John Snell, Karen Huard Board, Lila Humphries-LePage

Others present: Keri Ryan 

Called to Order: 7:00 AM 

  • Karen suggested to revise minutes and approve through email

  • Market applications

    • How many meat vendors to approve

      • How many appropriate to have on a given day

    • Rose brought up App Gap distillers and owner being present at market

    • Karen brought up how many soap vendors there are

      • Two part time vendors in December 

    • Rose brought up her application for breakfast sandwiches using propane grill

      • Keri will get agreement with firefighters about using propane

    •  John brought up that the officer with Coffee with Cops wants to be there once a month

    • New applications: 

      • Mama Boocha- they have not indicated using local ingredients and have a presence wholesaling: NO

      • Mad River Botanicals- Randy brought up that they are growing the CBD for their infusions: PENDING

        • Karen brought up that we should check in with Shona from Earth Rhythm Herbals before we approve

          • Karen brought up that we should let her know that someone else is interested 

          • Krysta mentioned that there is some overlap but also maybe complimentary

          • Karen says that we should hear her opinion and why but not live by it

      • Attention Crafts- local person making pottery, wants to be at the entire winter market only ceramic person- APPROVED

  •   Iiii. Broadfork Farmstead- PENDING

  • Karen brought up whether or not they are a tier 2  milk producer which they would need to be in order to sell at market

  • Randy brought up that they are making a lot of things with not a lot of local ingredients, concern about the category they fall into; prepared food or AG or both

  • Lila suggested approving their baked goods, jams and jellies dependent on amount of local ingredients

  • Keri brought up that there were no summer substitutes this year and that was difficult so she is wanting more vendors to be approved than not 

  • Rose suggested a deeper conversation with them about their offerings and then approve item by item 

  • Keri said that she would reach out to them and we 

  • Website updates

    • Josh and Mieko are working on getting minutes under vendor only tab

    • Update board member contacts on website

      • Keri brought up that It is definitely listed on the rules that get updated every year

      • Randy said Josh sent minutes from the last two regular board meetings yesterday and will forward them to us 

        • We need the minutes from the annual meeting before we can update the rules

      • Keri explained that the member login on the website will be a shared password so they can have access to certain PDFs

      • Randy brought up updating the website list of vendors who haven’t been here in a while and aren’t necessarily going to vend soon

        • Lila brought up making a separate list of seasonal vendors

        • Keri brought up that this weeks vendors are updated every week on the website

          • Krysta wondered if this is confusing for customers

        • Keri said that she can add a tab under each vendor whether they are seasonal or full time

        • Karen wonders what the traffic to this website in general

          • Questions for Mieko

        • Randy’s opinion is that if the vendor has not vended in the last year that they get removed

          • John brought up formerly at the market as a way to stay in contact

            • Lila wonders if its the markets responsibility to promote vendors who are no longer here

            • John brought up point of historical record of whos been at market

        • Create categories and go from there

    • Randy brought up that all website/social stuff does not have to be done by Keri

      • Keri agrees

      • Randy suggests having a member volunteer to take care of some of website updates

      • John reminds us to have specific requests and have one person so as not to confuse Mieko

      • Randy asked Lila if she could spearhead this project

      • Austin volunteered to help make changes to website

      • Keri brought up difficulties getting volunteers for things

        • She suggested that once winter vendors are approved we can assign them tasks

        • Randy reiterated that the intention is for each vendor to have a job so we need to generate what those are

  • Keri- Northfield Farmers market would like to offer CCFM vendors a discounted rate to vend on their online market

    • Randy says if individual vendors want to do that they can 

  • Keri- Karen and her working with U first division of health- they are purchasing $500 of tokens 

    • Karen asked if just for summer or winter too and keri has reached out 

  • Keri- Karen can you send copy of insurance policy to BGS- she will follow up

  • Keri- did we make a decision on beef and lamb for the December market?

    • Randy said we are letting them all in 

  • Randy- checking in about arrangements with the state for using parking lot

    • Keri says we have started the conversation about this coming season and she will get a confirmation email. Do we need to fill out a form for use again?

    • Lila brings up the necessity for lease agreement in writing with signatures- worth an ask? 

    • Keri says they are only willing to commit year to year and John seconds that

    • Lila reiterates that the spot we have does not afford long term security

    • John brings up sending a letter to legislature/ representatives/ Montp City Council as a courtesy and update them on how market is going

    • Keri does send updates to BGS on a regular basis

  • Keri- Alyssa from Dept of Ag is stepping in to maybe get Tebetts or seeing about getting fire policy changed but we are approved for propane

    • Need something in writing from the fire dept. and file with BGS

    • Commissioner Fitch says to contact Deb only

    • Keri suggested volunteer firefighter man the fire each market and still got a no

    • Karen is asking what the fire is for- corn roast, bean hole, warmth

      • Keri wonders do we do it anyway and ask for forgiveness- define open fire/clarification

      • Randy says we have asked too much in order to the right thing but now cant get away with ignorance

    • Randy asks about propane status

      • Keri- got a donation for a brand new propane heater stand comes with free tank of propane we just need to pick it up 

        • We don't have storage for it so will have to live outside

        • Lila offered to get in touch with donator and try and pick it up

        • Not going to be using for this weekend 

  • Krysta asked about thanksgiving marketing 

    • John said ad from argus etc looked good/ thank you lila for making a post for vendors to use on social

    • Keri brought up paying for business account for front porch forum

    • Lila suggested running an entire week of promotion on social media before big market

    • Randy suggested sending out list of promotional ideas for upcoming events to board

      • Karen reminds that Keri shouldn’t be the only one trying to promote the market and that the board should support her

      • Lila suggests graphics of date/times of market and offers support on that


Dec 2, 2021 CCFM Board Meeting- APPROVED


Nov 11, 2021 CCFM Board Meeting - APPROVED