Dec 30, 2021 CCFM Board Meeting- APPROVED
Board members present: Randy George, Rose Thackeray, Krysta Zabriskie, John Snell, Karen Huard Board, Lila Humphries-LePage
Others present: Keri Ryan
Called to Order: 7:00 AM
1. Approve 12/16 minutes - APPROVED
2. Report from Austin (Iona Tea) on thoughts and findings related to the vendor database.
Is this designation helpful (part time or full time because you don’t know when they will be there)?
You currently have to click on each vendor to find out their vendor status
Karen wanted to know how much time it takes Keri to update the website each week
Keri said it’s really quick to do
Austin notes a downfall that the two lists don't talk to each other and you have to manually upload vendors to each
Lila noted inconsistency between her vendor page (and others) between the two lists
Two pages- all vendors and weekly vendors
Austin notes the differences on the BFM website
The summer or winter vendor directory is just a list with the vendors and if they will be there all the dates or not
Keri says its not a big deal to update a couple time a year
Karen reminds that customers do like to know who is there
Keri says she relies on the website now to get that information out to the public because putting it in the newsletter is time consuming and she doesn't put a list at the front of market anymore
Austin recommends making ours look more like Burlington’s and creating an events page on the website that is connected to a google calendar and can create a recurring event
Lila adds do we create a ‘this week’ tag to easily direct people to the weekly list
John reminds three issues here accuracy, time efficiency
Randy asks if this is Austin’s job and he offers to help
Krysta asks if we can hyperlink each vendor with a link to website or directory Page
Rose suggests we keep moving for time sake
Thank you Austin for taking the time and working on that!
3. Vendor jobs list
Keri asks if she should assign people or if she should send out the list and people take on tasks that they want
She can assign people after they have chosen (or not)
She can make committees for Thanksgiving/ Christmas market events
Rose reiterates importance of volunteer committee coming up with ideas for events and then proposing to the board so that we can vote instead of taking our board meeting time discussing decorations
Rose suggests assigning a people limit to each job (3-4 people for a committee or 1-2 people for other jobs)
John volunteers to create committee description for event planning and send to Keri
Keri thinks jobs should be designated as a full time or a part time job
Karen suggests assigning jobs to spaces so that if your in that space you do that job
Keri will look into doing it that way and then go from there
Karen asks if being on the board is a vendor job- yes it is
4. Lila's marketing plan
Didn’t get to this item will revisit during next board meeting
5. Review of one new application
Do we have enough botanicals?
Mad River was a no show, Seaside isn’t coming for winter neither is Snow
Lila says she doesn’t specify what she makes and what she buys in
Randy says we should have some follow up questions with her
6. Finalizing 2022 season application and making it live
Keri updated board members on directory
Randy revised rules from annual meeting changes
All have seen and agree
Karen is going to check the fees and send it to Keri
Keri asks if we want to add a confidentiality piece on sales report in rules or bylaws
Karen reminds that there have been a few different ways of reporting throughout the years
Karen reminds that the name of the vendor is at the top of the page so it is not anonymous
Keri reminds that if a vendor doesn't want to use their name they can be assigned an anonymous name in the system (in the rules)
Randy agrees it is important to have language be consistent between rules and application
Keri reminds that we haven't done raffle drawings for two years but do we leave it in there
Karen and Lila say it is a great promotional thing
Randy no harm in leaving it in
Keri says have to change the date that the board wants applications in (February 1)
Randy asks when we will respond- February 28th
Lila asks that the Dec dates be taken out of the summer application
Rose asks that they be taken out because there are fee differences for thanksgiving and the two december markets
7. Review of rules revisions