January 27, 2022 CCFM Board Meeting- APPROVED
Board members present: Randy George, Rose Thackeray, Krysta Zabriskie, John Snell, Karen Huard Board, Lila Humphries-LePage
Others present: Keri Ryan
Called to Order: 7:00 AM
Approval of last meeting’s minutes
Keri’s progress report
Agency of Ag Specialty Crop Grant- applied for last year and reapplying
Webinar today
Coffee w Cops on Feb 12 will have barrier up
60 or so applications in currently
Some new, a lot of regulars
Barr Hill site– does it make sense to consider for this winter?
Not for this winter they won't be ready for us until March or April and by then the weather is good
Lets get it all set up to go in for next year
Due to covid spacing we can probably only fit 15 vendors and will have to limit numbers of customers coming inside
Unitarian church in Montp?
Randy - lets all go to Barr Hill in the next month or so to look at the space
Last time we were there we didn't pay rent and just hired a cleaning service after we left
Lila- do we have money in the budget for rental of space?
Karen- there isn't currently money in the budget for rental but in City Center they were paying $900/month but that is a lot
Reminder that we are bringing them business and people to buy there stuff as well
They don't open til noon or so but last time they brought staff in early to accommodate us to hold market 10-2
Should we take a vote at the annual meeting?
Might be too late we should be telling customers and handing out magnets at october markets
Lila suggests asking for ideas for spaces to use on social media or FPF
John offers to talk to the owner of the Capitol Plaza building to create connection
Prepared food was fine at Barr Hill they let us use griddles etc
Had 10 cancellations this week 4 were last minute
Keri is tracking it
Do we need a policy?
Is there a policy for summer market weather events?
Only lightning
Leave it open ended mostly dependent on precipitation events
Member survey for Keri? Do we want to do this?
Google survey; know how to track her progress
Lila- save this for annual review or do this now
randy - review is in february
Put out survey before review to utilize responses during meeting
Lets not leave questions open ended instead ask them on a scale
Karen suggests running survey by a third party- all agree Keri will run by FMC or Andy Robinson
Randy reminds that this is only an aspect of the review not the entire thing
Committee progress– how are we monitoring this?
Fee restructure committee is full still 3 spots on event committee
Keri will put out call for them to try to get together and will try to attend them or ask someone from board to
Ask for a report after they meet/attendance
Karen asks about winter vendors having jobs but then not maybe being summer vendors as well
Mask Mandate
Karen sent NPR article
Discuss at next board meeting before the next market- Feb 12
Have quick discussion then take vote move on; Requirement vs recommendation
Rose- lets not flip flop every market on mandate
Chalkboard and free masks at the opening of market