June 10, 2022 CCFM Board Meeting- APPROVED
Board members present: Randy George, Rose Thackeray, Krysta Zabriskie, Karen Huard, Lila Humphries-LePage
Others present: Keri Ryan, Hannah Blackmer, Jennifer Trenchers
Called to Order: 7:00 AM
Minutes from the last meeting 5 min.
News from Keri
BGS has sent unhappy emails containing pictures after market
Potato+carrots left of the ground, chalkboard left out, bench left out, etc
Randy will take over communication to them
Got $500 from Montpelier Alive for Strawberry Festival
Keri will send out new applications/requests via email.
Fee restructuring committee report and discussion/questions.
Ben’s proposal- details in a google document
Ben used last years sales/vending data to run these new models against and it could bring in 10% more revenue
Membership fee at end of year could be an issue
Committee is focused on bringing in new vendors while also not negatively impacting large high income vendor
Cap sales based payment at some amount
Goal is to have full recommendation by July to send to the board to look into
Credit for attending every market?
Rose- will we have time to take this proposal and work on it as a board and put it before a financial analyst before we take it to the membership
Karen- concerned about equity and billing in order to relate this to the vendors so that they understand it
Special events committee report and discussion/questions.
Events calendar shared with board
Keri can connect with individual committee members in charge of each event
Strawberry Fest- what do we need to do?
Approval for budget from board
Sourcing strawberries- Dog River? Yes
Shortcake from Peg + Belladore
Need volunteers
Strawberry road signs in the trailer
We need a volunteer email list
Send call out on newsletter with a specific ask with an event and date (currently strawberry fest).
Assessment of storage situation and recommendation from Lila, Rose and Randy.
New trailer that fits all of our stuff may help with relationship with BGS/state
Old trailer does not fit benches/picnic tables and they will degrade faster if not out inside
Three cost/size options to vote on at next meeting– Krista and Karen will look into.
Andy Robinson dates. Randy will re-send email so that we can determine a meeting date.