June 23, 2022 CCFM Board Meeting- APPROVED
Board members present: Randy George, Rose Thackeray, Krysta Zabriskie, Karen Huard, Lila Humphries-LePage
Others present: Keri Ryan
Called to Order: 7:00 AM
Minutes approved
Keri Updates
No to yarn, perfume only wants one date- they ended up withdrawing application, remade in VT approve as a sub, greenfield photographs yes, Iona tea- check in w Peg i.e jams approved for everything else except lemonade + we will check back in about hot chocolate come fall, Moonrise- no
Hannah is getting strawbs + processing, Peg bringing biscuits
Look at weight requirements for tents + tell people to take down if necessary
Tent blew and hit vendor/ hit karen's car
Vendor insurance requirement
Reminders to all about tent weights
Request for periodic updates to membership of total market sales
Make a new member friendly document- total sales without personal info
Trailer purchase- state is happy to hear we are looking into new trailer in regards to issues around keeping our stuff together, clean out made it clear that our trailer is not meeting our needs
Karen thinks we need membership to vote
Randy do we need a vote on spending grant funds? Not a standard operating expense
Grant funds are not specific can be spent on whatever
Board let membership know + vote on it publicly at market in two weeks