June 28, 2022 CCFM Board Meeting- APPROVED
Board members present: Randy George, Rose Thackeray, Krysta Zabriskie, Karen Huard, Lila Humphries-LePage
Others present: Keri Ryan
Called to Order: 7:00 AM
Winter market locations
John was looking into the capital plaza?
Find out contact info for the VCFA gym
College is potentially selling certain buildings- do we look into that
Would be challenging without outside funds
Reach out to brattleboro farmers market bc they own their building
Long term lease option
Look back into the Grange
Contact is Tim Schwartz who is the president
Newly constructed granite shed built by Connor- Keri will reach out again
Barr Hill- open to having us back but we wouldn't be able to have full vendor numbers bc they put in a new bar
15- 20 vendors
City Center- owner wouldn't return phone calls last Keri tried
Unitarian Church- unloading/loading for vendors would be tough, can't be much more space than barr hill
Montpelier High School- any potential there? Keri will reach out again for both Thanksgiving + winter market
Above city hall? Have to carry everything upstairs to set up
U32? Farther outside of city but massive space
Elementary schools?
Keri will update us on her contacts when she knows
Standard item on our agenda going forward
Andy Robinson meeting
Long term planning support; fundraising support to get a permanent location
Board governance/functioning
Randy will revise doodle poll and we will hope to meet with him in July
AARP not funding music this year, Keri will look into National Life maybe VSECU